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地方政府是生态环境治理的关键主体,财政压力以地方政府行为作为传导变量,对环境污染及其治理效果有深刻影响。实证检验地方政府行为的促污和治污效应对财政压力冲击的响应。结果表明:激励生产型地方政府行为促进污染增加,在财政压力下促进污染增加效应的激化,即压力越大越污染。环境治理型地方政府行为中的环境保护支出对污染治理有效,财政压力对其治污效应有提升作用;排污费征收不治污、反促污,财政高压使其促污效应强化。在财政增支减收、压力不断攀升的背景下,可从治理体制性财政压力诱因、强化对地方政府行为监督和约束以及优化治理工具提升环境治理绩效等方面来平抑财政压力通过地方政府行为引发的环境污染加剧。  相似文献   
科技成果转化政策是强化科技与经济联系,完善创新体系的重要手段,是推动创新驱动、实现高质量发展的关键。论文选取1996—2017年中国中央政府及各部委所发布的85篇与科技成果转化相关的政策文本,采用内容分析法对其演进趋势及内在规律分析,得出政策制定部门参与水平上升、政策工具搭配组合日益多元、重视提升政策客体转化积极性的结论,并对未来政策发展方向提供思路。  相似文献   
基于多源数据的国土空间高质量利用评价思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:新时代国土空间规划背景下,提出利用多源数据评价国土空间高质量利用的思路,为辅助编制高质量的国土空间规划提供支撑。研究方法:文献分析法、归纳演绎法。研究结果:在国土空间规划新趋势下,以国土空间高质量利用内涵为引导,提出生态空间、农业空间和城镇空间的高质量利用目标与评价维度,并构建了基于多源数据的国土空间高质量利用的评价方法框架。研究结论:国土空间高质量利用评价应在统筹各类空间不同目标间关系的基础上,结合研究和实践需要,因地制宜进行评价,进而形成各空间的发展合力,推进国土空间的高质量利用。  相似文献   
[目的]研究2006—2016年京津冀城市群土地经济密度的时空格局演变特征及其驱动机制。[方法]以京津冀城市群153个县区为例,运用空间自相关分析、热点分析、地理探测器等研究方法,对土地经济密度的时空演变规律及其驱动因素进行探讨。[结果](1)2006—2016年京津冀城市群县区和地市的土地经济密度及其发展速度在空间上均呈"东高西低,南高北低"格局,但随时间变化区域差异逐渐缩小;(2)Moran′s I指数由0.013 9上升至0.065 3,表明在空间上存在空间集聚状态,且随时间不断优化,区域一体化趋势逐渐增强;(3)空间集聚特征明显,热点显著区集中于北京、天津等经济优势区,并向四周梯度扩散;(4)人均GDP、当年实际使用外资额、固定资产投资额等经济类因子对土地经济密度的解释力较大,且任意两因子交互后作用力优于单项因子作用力。[结论]可为京津冀城市群土地资源的合理利用和差别化调控提供参考。  相似文献   
[目的]一、二、三产业融合发展是农业现代化进程中自发演化的重要形式,是破解我国小农户需求与大市场需求矛盾的重要武器,探究海南岛一、二、三产业融合发展的状况,对于推进海南岛农业和农村经济结构调整,农业产业化经营具有一定的借鉴意义。[方法]文章构建了三产融合度测度模型,运用1998—2017年海南岛北部4市的数据测度了海南岛一、二、三产业融合发展的具体水平。[结果]海南岛北部4市的一、二、三产业融合处于高度融合阶段,呈现了良好发展的态势,但是各子系统间协调性较差。从地区差异来看,海口三产融和水平和增长速度均处于领先地位,文昌和澄迈的三产融合水平和增长速度基本同步,在波动中稳步增长,定安的三产融合水平和增长速度处于最低状态。从融合路径来看,二、三产业融合的程度略深于一、二产业的融合程度,一、二产业融合的程度略深于一、三产业的融合程度。[结论]海南岛北部4市的产业融合发展仍有很大的进步空间,在今后的发展中,需要注重融合机制体制的顶层设计,破除多部门协作的制度壁垒,在尊重地区差异的基础上,追求“多规合一”,促进各区域间的协调发展,力争补足农业产业化发展的短板。  相似文献   
[目的]从农村居民点内部用地结构演变视角,探索中国快速工业化和城镇化进程中的欠发达农区土地利用转型。[方法]以江西省吉安县凤凰镇铺前村为研究区,采用参与式农村评估、GIS与遥感影像相结合的方法复原了1986年、1996年、2006年和2016年农村居民点内部土地利用状况,揭示了农村居民点内部用地数量结构、空间结构和功能结构演变特征。[结果]30年来铺前村农村居民点用地规模先后经历了快速扩张、加速扩张及缓慢扩张3个阶段,用地类型以住宅用地为主,同时出现了一定的多元化发展趋势;农村居民点内部用地空间结构先后呈现蔓延扩张、跳跃式扩张、填隙式扩张模式发展特征;农村居民点内部用地的功能结构演变特征是农业生产功能逐渐弱化,出现微弱的非农生产功能,生活功能虽然经历稳定弱化和加速弱化过程,但是仍是主导功能,生态功能在中后期因内部用地竞争而明显弱化。[结论]通过系统的研究,揭示了30年来铺前村农村居民点内部土地利用结构演变特征,为优化农村土地利用,促进乡村振兴发展提供参考。  相似文献   
从系统论角度出发分析高职院校基层团组织的自组织特性,借用耗散结构理论对自组织系统确立新的有序结构所需要条件的研究,分析当前高职院校基层团组织存在的问题,探究形成开放有序的基层团组织的建设路径.  相似文献   
Research summary : We examine firms' technological investments during an industry's incubation stage—the period between a technological breakthrough and the first instance of its commercialization. Using the agricultural biotechnology context, we develop stylized findings regarding the understudied knowledge evolution preceding product evolution in an industry's life cycle, the trend and diversity of firms undertaking technological investments in anticipation of industry emergence, their leverage of markets for technology and corporate control, and their use of alternative modes of value capture. We juxtapose these stylized findings with existing literature to identify new theoretical insights, and set the stage for future scholarly work to develop and test new theories for the incubation period, examine its existence in other industries, and study its impact on subsequent firm and industry evolution. M anagerial summary : New technological breakthroughs present managers of existing firms and aspiring entrepreneurs with opportunities to create altogether new industries. During the vibrant incubation period, we find that multiple firms capitalize on diverse knowledge bases to shape the industry's knowledge evolution and also capture economic value in diverse ways. Existing firms in the obsolescing industry are more likely to become targets in acquisitions given their complementary knowledge. Science‐based start‐ups are more likely to engage in acquisitions and collaborations with established firms. Diversifying firms are more likely to commercialize products after leveraging of internal development, acquisitions, and alliances. Our study highlights the importance for managers to think about “success” and “failure” across multiple yardsticks of performance, rather than only as product commercialization as the sole goal. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Some models in evolutionary economics rely on direct analogies to genetic evolution, assuming a population of firms with routines, technologies, and strategies on which forces of diversity generation and selection act. This narrow conception can build upon previous findings from evolutionary biology. Broader concepts of evolution allow many or just one adaptive entity, instead of necessarily requiring a population. Thus, an institution or a society can also be understood as an evolutionary entity. Both the narrow and broad approaches have been extensively used in the literature, albeit in different literature traditions. I provide an overview of the conception and development of both approaches to evolutionary modeling, and argue that a generalization is needed to realize the full potential of evolutionary modeling.  相似文献   
The paper studies the characteristics of the evolution over time of modal split for a transport system in which various modes compete with each other and face the freight flow increase in different ways. It is shown that the modal split evolution is constituted by a sequence of time periods, in each of which the dynamic characteristics of the system are different. An equilibrium, stable or unstable, is reached after a transition phase, whose length depends on the characteristics of the system, and in some cases exceeds the length of the period, so that an equilibrium is not reached.  相似文献   
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